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Home Improvement

Turning your garage into an office space

If you have longed to create an office space in your garage, here are a few things that will help you to make that dream a reality.

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Sorting – make sure to start by having a good clear out of all the items that are stored in your garage space. Donate any unwanted items and throw away anything that no longer works. You can then look at whether you can find alternative places to store the remaining items.

Insulation – garages are traditionally built of single skin materials. This means that there are no inner walls or insulation. This means that these spaces can be damp and very cold in the winter. By adding some insulation and internal walls, you will make this space much more appealing.

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Flooring – the floor in garages tends to be concrete, and again this is very cold in the winter and unsightly. You can have Engineered Wood Flooring like that from installed in the garage instead. This will be much more attractive and practical for a home office space.

Lighting – the lights in a garage are purely functional and may not illuminate the space adequately enough for you to work. You can have the lights replaced with something more suitable, and a good electrician will be able to do this for you.

Access – make sure that you have a door into your garage that will allow you to safely access the space without having to keep opening the main garage door.


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Henry Doe is a seasoned DIY enthusiast and home improvement, blogger. With over 10 years of experience in renovating his own home, he has honed his skills in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work. Henry's passion for creating beautiful and functional living spaces has led him to share his knowledge and experiences with his readers through his blog, "Home Sweet Home DIY." His goal is to inspire and empower homeowners to tackle their own home projects, big or small. When he's not hammering and sawing, you can find Henry hiking in the mountains or sipping on a latte at his local coffee shop.