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Spiral staircase to basement
Home Improvement

Spiral staircase to basement: How it works

Many homeowners are choosing to renovate their basement. Many of them are turning the basement into a usable space that connects the living and sleeping areas. It is this functionality that many homeowners have been looking for. But, what if you don’t have one? Then here’s a solution: spiral staircase to basement.

What is a spiral staircase to basement?

A spiral staircase to basement is a staircase that will connect one floor and the lowest level of a home. It has many shapes such as straight, zigzag or running stairs but it divides itself into two distinct parts, the bridge between floors at each end and the ladder-like (pulley) near ground on which you can climb up. There are different versions of this type structural element depending on design. For example; low ceiling style with 1.5 or 2 meter trapeze suspension, a stainless steel superstructure and the design required to be installed in sloping surfaces on which it anchors as well. 17 It can be placed under concrete flooring too; like elastomeric tiles are used today there were times when wood covered limestone or sandstone was applied instead where rough plaster is fixed above.

Spiral staircase to basement

How Does a Spiral Staircase Work?

Once installed with the proper materials, for safety reasons you may never climb up on a damaged or broken suspension (stairway/ladder) again. It will have connections from floor to floor and ensure comfort in use since there are no loose pieces that can shift position at any time which increases stability.

It is safe to climb upward but it also serves as protection against falling down too; this way falls need not lead you into other dangerous areas such as unfinished basement walls that may be structurally weak.

Can you have a spiral staircase to basement?

The answer is yes you can. But the cost of having a spiral staircase to basement will definitely be suited for those who have big budgets and are capable enough to spend in excess thousands, just like me! Otherwise, it may take a long time before you’re able to realize your dream.

You see staircases ain’t cheap… And one might never give up until they become an reality or not get their money back though they’ve paid all these years.

But, since this is a DIY project… here are few alternative ways of going about it and save some money too: Invest in non-cariogenic solid surface materials which may cost you up to 80% less than traditional premium solid surfaced floors. Get the work done by local or professional contractors with quality assurance (this will definitely be cheaper though not that cheap); Better quality staircases can be found on sale. Use an existing staircase by cutting off all the structure and leaving access points, or creating new ones. You may have to add more large platforms at each floor, which may require structural changes but it’s economic! Use non-cariogenic materials that are uniform in finish like woodchip vinyl (they cost less than solid surface too) material for floors… and save big time in painting costs.

How to create a spiral staircase to basement?

Step 1 : Get a 2×6 board and fit two together, or get one piece of log timber that is cut at 3ft in length to use instead. You can hang the furniture pieces from these when you’re moving it into its new place (In CAD drawing shows only light drop shade above stairs).

Step 2: Use sturdy lumber for the stair treads; nail three sides with screws along each landings height (grade) whenever needed. The center post should be cut to 4ft height by cutting it straight along its full length (This is where the up/down pole will be fixed.)

Step 3: Use a circular saw or simply auger out one to three inches of whatever thickness you need for your handrail and don’t forget about lead washing after using them however during work itself, at least wash with hot water in case that’s necessary.


The spiral staircase is a great metaphor for the journey of life. It’s a series of small steps that lead to big ones, and each step is equally important. In order to make progress, you must take your first step by choosing to move forward; there’s no going back. When you’ve taken your first step, take another one and keep moving forward!


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