Sometimes it is not necessary to make a great show or decorative deployments to renew your rooms. Nor as to amount or as to budget for it. Today I will show you some very simple ideas to get ideas that will help to provide new life to any room that you want to give a facelift through decoration; simple gestures for you will not need to spend much money but you will for your most special places charge new life. We started!
Refurbished furniture
One of the easiest techniques to help you renew your decor is that of decoupage. It involves applying a role that we like or fabric to cover furniture or a part thereof, as may be the doors. Same with wallpaper or vinyl. You can completely change their appearance with very little …
The plants
Few things are as effective to give a new look to your decor as change or enter flowers and plants in it. If you have, it’s time to place them, and if you already have some can go changing them periodically so that the room has a different look every time. There are so many possibilities …
Ideas for the kitchen
The kitchen is a room that allows a lot of simple changes to get give a different touch. And without changing anything substantial. For example, you can enter decorated with glass jars in sight for storing spices or pasta, or bet on a retro decor through different objects such as metal cans, a painting. Sometimes, simply enter a touch of color, through rags and look for a different cuisine …
The lighting
Lighting is a very important aspect in the decoration, and sometimes we do not give enough importance. Depending on how we use it can enhance some colors or soften others. So if you dare to change, with other bulbs or entering point to highlight some areas, such as lights, you will be giving new life to your rooms.
Change things around
This renewal of the decoration can be as simple as changing things around. No need to buy other furniture and decorative objects, try to move what you have, a lamp, carpet, sofa or a shelf, to make your stay have a completely different look playing with a different distribution.
You may also like to read another article on HealthyHousePlans: Green I want you green, the plant is fashionable
Another alternative is to change the textile stay. Some new covers for cushions or a different quilt that you see every day and you seem to be in another room … not a big outlay and allow you to have varying options to go whenever you want.
The order
Do you remember the theory of Marie Kondo on order and cleaning the house? For there is no better way to renew and update pulling everything not really need. All that guards and do not know well why, according to this Japanese, Feng Shui and other Eastern disciplines, only makes the energy flow properly not in the house.
Objects in threes
When our brain sees three objects placed together interpreted as a kind of still life composed and well formed, and not as a random mix of things that are close to each other. So gather these three objects that have scattered and combine well and bring them together in a special corner. You’ll see what a difference.