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Interior paintings
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Interior paintings: interesting ideas for accommodation

At all times,  the interior paintings are one of the most popular elements of the decor. If you look into the past, you can clearly see that even primitive people scraped pictures on the walls of their caves, thereby decorating them. The Romans decorated the walls of their houses with drawings and mosaics. In Russia, in each hut, there were necessarily icons. They were adorned with precious stones and framed with expensive ways of silver and gold. In fact, the icons carried the role of not only the object of worship but also the decoration of the house.

In our time, the interior is decorated with interior paintings by famous artists, or by their inexpensive copies, family photos, modular paintings and even electronic photo frames. All this helps to turn a boring interior into an original stylish apartment. But the introduction of the picture in the interior should be approached wisely. Otherwise, you can create such a confusion, from which will be a whiff of bad taste.

Combination of interior paintings with furnitureInterior paintings

Unfortunately, decorating rooms with pictures does not suit everyone. Often, the reason for this is the absence of unoccupied walls due to the compactness and small area of most dwellings. After all, if we hang up the picture next to some huge cupboard, then it will not look quite right. But the placement of the canvas over a low piece of furniture will be very, very positive! For example, over an armchair or a sofa. Also, an excellent solution is to create a picture composition over a chest of drawers or a bed.

We change the space with the help of picturesInterior paintings

With the skillful arrangement of pictures, you can control the visual perception of space. Placed horizontally in a row of pictures, perfectly expand the room, and a number of pictures on the vertical, – perfectly “lift” the ceilings. It is especially advantageous to increase the height of the room with interior paintings on white walls. Large and bright pictures are better to hang in long rooms, such as a corridor. Read more: How to design your fabulous bedroom: 5 best ideas

At what height to hang picturesInterior paintings

Have you ever noticed that the most expensive products in supermarkets are at eye level? And this is by no means an accident! Merchandisers especially lay out the goods so that you pay attention to it and buy it. The same can be said about the interior paintings. If the center of the image is positioned at a height of about 150-160 cm, then its perception will rise several times. That’s interesting, the smaller the picture, the lower it should be hung. But about the kitchen, you can say that here the technology of location is changing noticeably. Kitchen art works best hang on the eye level of a seated person, for to contemplate them he will be at the time of the meal, as a rule. Read more: Decoration of the apartment 10 decor ideas of the living room

Compositions from several imagesInterior paintings

Recently, the concept of modular images has become fashionable. The essence of this composition is that several pictures of the same size, united by a common theme, are hung in one or several rows so that the intervals between them create a kind of grid.

Also, modular pictures can include images divided into several segments.

As you can see, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the picture for the interior, for it is they who bring comfort, warmth, and comfort to the premises.

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